Friday, 24 January 2025

Recovering seat

Storm Eowyn came today so, discretion being the better part of valour, I worked on bits in the house rather than venturing out into the shed in a gale.

The seat has been sat waiting to be recovered for ages so that was first out of the box. I got the room nice and warm and wrapped the new cover around a hot water bottle to get it nice and soft and stretchy.

Ages ago, I glued some thin foam to the outside and front of the seat foam to cover some damaged bits of the original.

First things first I glued the front of the cover to the base, using UniBond contact adhesive. This meant that I could refit the rubber seat buffers on top of the vinyl, but still get access to the underside to pull the rubber lugs through that hold them in place.

Then I pulled the cover tight and used these little spring clamps to temporarily hold things in place and check alignment etc, before glueing up the back end.

After that it was a case of systematically doing about a 4 - 5" strip on each side, while the rest was still clamped up, until it was all glued. There is one small crease at the point where two "glue zones" met. It's hardly noticeable but I'm hoping that will ease out with use. Otherwise I'm really pleased with the end result.

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